Exciting News this Summer!
I was awarded a Hella Mears Graduate Disseration Fellowship by the Center for German and European Studies at the UMN-Twin Cities for Summer 2019 to complete dissertation chapters and work on my film project.
I also started an internship at Morgan Stanely-Minneapolis to work for a dear friend doing research on sustainable investing, marketing outreach and values-based business development.
In July 2019, my Teaching Tools post, “Teaching Storytelling and Financial Crisis” was published in Cultural Anthropology’s Fieldsites blog. Many thanks again to Tariq Rahman (UC Irvine) for co-editing that article and our other post for the same series, “What is Finance? A Conversation with Keith Hart, Daromir Rudnyckyj, and Caitlin Zaloom”.
In Fall 2019, I’m very excited to teach ANTH 1003 (10): Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Understanding Cultures) as the Science and Politics of Storytelling. I am not teaching this summer since I have the fellowship but I am taking some time to develop syllabi for Spring 2020 and will be a TA for a TBD course this fall as well!
Public Talks and Events
Finally, excited to announce my roundtable for the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association and Canadian Anthropology Society (AAA/CASCA), "Toward a Critical Queer and Trans Economic Anthropology" was accepted. Many thanks to the Association for Queer Anthropology for the "invited" status and the people who expressed interest even if they couldn't participate. Please attend and fill the room! Ask hard questions! I put the roundtable together after many folks had already committed to other panels so we will leave much time for Q & A. That way, folks not or under represented can participate in discussion, especially contingent and adjunct faculty, graduate and undergraduate students and non-white, non-settler, non-cis folks.
I was inspired by Gayle Rubin's call to analyze and account for our investments that limit radical analysis and hope to continue this conversation long after Vancouver. So happy to get to speak with folks I've been reading and thinking with for years and hopefully you, too.
And while you’re at it, stop by the panel I co-organized with Aaron Hopes (Stanford U.), “The Island Effect: On the Conditions of the Pelagic Military "Outpost" (more on that very exciting panel soon)!
Check back in late August for info on both AAA/CASCA events and my upcoming talks!