Spring 2019 Update

Poster for "Queering" Capitalism course
Poster for my Language Culture and Power course

In Spring 2019 at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, I am teaching an undergraduate course I designed in 2017-2018 with funds from the Steven J. Schochet Grant for Queer, Trans and Sexuality Studies called Economy, Culture, Critique: Queering Capitalism(s)! The course explores queer and trans approaches to economic anthropology and centers scholars and activists doing work on indigenous queer critique, racial capitalism, critical ethnic studies, (dis)ability and debility studies, and black critical theory (among others). In Summer 2019, I will teach the undergraduate anthropology course, Language, Culture, and Power (and finally get to teach some discourse analysis and linguistics!).

This month, I’m busy co-organizing a panel on (after)lives of imperialized islands with Aaron Hopes (Stanford) and an exciting roundtable on Critical Queer and Trans Economic Anthropology with Karen Z. Ho (University of Minnesota) for the 2019 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, November 20-24 in Vancouver, BC. The roundtable features Noelle Stout (NYU), Scott Laura Morgensen (Queen’s University), Karen Ho (UMN) and Kimberly Chong (LSE), among others. If you are interested in either panel please contact me and stay tuned for updates!

Finally, I’m so happy to announce that I have been awarded a Hella Mears Summer Fellowship for European Studies by the Center for German and European Studies (CGES) at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. This fellowship allows me to devote two months this summer to dissertation/book project writing and film editing. I am always, of course, looking for cool new digital, video, editing, and research projects so please contact me with your gigs and great ideas!